The scientific program includes four plenary presentations, several contributing talks and poster sessions. Below you can find the final program. The abstract book will soon be available.
A PDF version of the program is available here. The PDF of the abstract book is available here.
DAY 1: 19th December 2024
11:00: Registration and Poster placement
13:30: Opening Ceremony
Session 1 – Chair: Ricardo Pereira
14:00: Plenary Talk | José Cerca | Adaptive radiation on Oceanic Islands; Tales of ecological niches and ecological generalists
14:40: Talk 1 | Bárbara Freitas | Does song act as a behavioural barrier to gene flow? Evidence from divergent populations of La Palma’s Canary Islands Chaffinch
14:52: Talk 2 | Lara Almeida | Evolutionary history of the Mus musculus in Cabo Verde
15:04: Talk 3 | Maria Romeiras | Patterns of diversification and colonization in Macaronesian Apiaceae lineages
15:16: Talk 4 | Estêvão Faustino | Hybridization between currently allopatric species at the root of speciation? The case of Iberian chubs (Genus Squalius)
15:28: Talk 5 | Tirstan Bertrand | Comparative population genomics illuminates species boundaries and symbiotic disruption in Eunicella Octocorals
15:40: Talk 6 | Salomé Barreto | Ecological differentiation influences the evolution of pre-zygotic isolation in spider-mite species
15:52: Talk 7 | Ivo Chelo | Can reproductive isolation arise from epistatic deleterious and compensatory mutations in small populations: an experimental test with C. elegans
16:04: Coffee Break and poster session (odd numbers)
Session 2 – Chair: Martim Melo
16:34: Plenary Talk | Allowen Evin | 8,000 years of domestic plants and animals evolution: understanding local adaptation under socio-economic and climatic fluctuations
17:14: Talk 8 | Pedro Sousa | Understanding hybridization between alpine hares in a context of climate-induced range shifts
17:26: Talk 9 | Carlos Yadro | Population structure and environmental adaptation in two honey bee subspecies from southern European refugia: A. M. ligustica and A. M. iberiensis
17:38: Talk 10 | José Costa | Genetic divergence and local adaptations in endemic hares: Insights from the Italian and Broom hares
17:50: Talk 11 | Dora Henriques | population structure and conservation status of middle eastern honey bee subspecies
18:02: Talk 12 | Matthew Moreira | Distribution of intraspecific diversity across species ranges: insights from herptiles in six global regions
18:14: Talk 13 | Susana Almeida | Phylo-transcriptomics of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera reveals multiple trans-oceanic dispersal events across the Southern Ocean
18:26: Talk 14 | Maria Carolina Matos | FCRL ancestry: can we truly find parallels between placental mammals, marsupials and monotremes?
Session 3 – Chair: Vítor Sousa
18:38: Homage to Prof. Amorim | Sandra Martins | New paralogs of ataxin-3 identified in primates and the constraint evolution of ATXN3L retrocopy
19:00: Homage to Prof. Amorim | Maria João Prata | António Amorim: a singular professor
19:15: End of the first day
DAY 2: 20 December 2024
Session 4 – Chair: Maria Romeiras
9:00: Plenary Talk | Margarida Cardoso Moreira | Origins of cells and organs – the view from the placenta
9:40: Talk 15 | Inês Miranda | The origin and maintenance of adaptive seasonal camouflage in the least weasel
9:52: Talk 16 | Diogo Berjano | How do biochemical and environmental factors shape the fitness landscape of synonymous mutations on Hsp90?
10:04: Talk 17 | Joel Laia | Monoterpene synthase ligand preference: a case of both divergent and convergent evolution in Menthinae, Lamiaceae
10:16: Talk 18 | Beatriz Sousa | Evolutionary and functional study of the thyroid Sodium/Iodide Symporter homologs in plants
10:28: Talk 19 | Ana Serra Silva | Very weak support for Deuterostome monophyly is boosted by long branch attraction artefacts
10:40: Talk 20 | Bruno Nevado | Phylogenomics of Lupinus reveals strong geographic structuring and multiple instances of phenotypic convergent evolution
10:52: Coffee Break and poster session (even numbers)
11:22: Talk 21 | Sandra Estela Moreno Fernández | Lineage diversification of Acrocephalidae family (Reed Warblers) and its relationship with migratory behaviour and islands colonisation
Session 5 – Chair: Rui Faria
11:34: Talk 22 | Carolina Peralta | Characterization of polymorphic inversions in locally adapted populations of Clunio marinus
11:46: Talk 23 | Carla Gonçalves | A turbulent evolutionary history involving massive gene gains and losses has shaped the genome and metabolism of a fungal lineage
11:58: Talk 24 | Mario Torralba Sáez | A shark’s eye view on genome size evolution: phylogenetic patterns, molecular causes, and phenotypic consequences
12:10: Talk 25 | Daniel García Souto | Phenotypic and genetic differentiation between two chromosomal taxa of the gastropod Nucella lapillus at Galician rocky shores (NW Spain)
12:22: Talk 26 | Catarina Branco | Identifying the sex chromosomes of Laurus azorica
12:35: Group Photo
12:40: Lunch Break
Session 6 – Chair: Raquel Tavares
14:00: Plenary Talk | Rebecca Mead | The Sandwalk: Time for Thinking about Evolution Education
14:40: Talk 27 | Xana Sá-Pinto | Stronger together: a revision of stakeholder impact of NEDE.APBE’s 12 years of education and outreach in evolution
Session 7 – Chair: Sara Magalhães
14:52: Talk 28 | Javier Oñate Casado | When individuality obscures geographic song variation: a comparison of two passerine sister species with different migratory strategies
15:04: Talk 29 | Gabriel Munar Delgado | Popular birds live longer: The association of social bonds and survival in a social bird
15:16: Talk 30 | Miguel Cruz | A genetic trade-off between intrinsic growth and sensitivity to competition, but not with reproductive interference, in spider mites
15:28: Talk 31 | Clara Pidner | Is the devil in the details? Investigating the role of the body spot in male-female interactions of the fish Poecilia vivipara’s
15:40: Talk 32 | Rita Melo-Miranda | The role of exercise in mitigating inflammaging and gut dysbiosis
15:52: Talk 33 | Ana Sousa | Aging drives gut bacteria toward pathoadaptation
16:04: Talk 34 | Lekshimi B Sreelatha | Environmental drivers of colouration in Lusitanian wall lizards: Testing key ecogeographical hypotheses
16:16: Coffee Break
16:45: Poster Session (all posters)
17:45: Closing Ceremony
18:00: General Assembly of APBE